Yana Dee Blog — Gift ideas
Top 5+ Ethical Places to Shop this Holiday Season
Activism Ethical Events Gift ideas Traverse City Website Winter

It's 2022, and you've decided you want to shop like you have a conscience this winter season. Congratulations! If words like "small business" and "fair wage" and "organic" and "handmade" perk your interest, here are 5 of the best places to shop in the coming months. These are all great places to shop for yourself, Christmas gifts, and other occasions. Read thoroughly to find even more recommendations, including links to the online stores of some of our favorite fellow Michigan makers! 5. A Food Co-op. Here in Traverse City, we love shopping at our locally owned Oryana Co-op. This is a great...
2021 Mother's Day Gift Guide
Environment Ethical Gift ideas Organic Cotton Organic Fashion Peace by Piece Salvaged Leather Silk slow fashion Spring Traverse City Upcycled Website

Keep reading for a list of Yana Dee's Top 10 Mother's Day Gifts for 2021. Click the banner above to shop the full gift collection of all 40 runner-ups! 1. A New Heirloom Blanket This one is great for mothers and children of all ages. Yana Dee's 2021 Patchwork Blankets have have heirloom potential. They were carefully crafted from salvaged and organic cotton. Of the 4 we started with, only two remain. Get one while you can! 2. The Etta Dress One of Yana Dee's newest dress design is perfect for young parents, grandparents, and other people with bodies who want an...
Sand Bird Square Dress: A Love Story
Ethical Fabric Fashion Revolution Gift ideas Organic Cotton Organic Fashion Peace by Piece Spring Traverse City Website

As soon as I saw this dress, I knew I wanted to be the one.
I just had to model the Sand Bird Square Dress.
When it arrived from the studio, the Sand Bird Square Dress instantly took my breath away. This newest addition to Yana Dee's Peace by Piece collection is absolutely a thing of beauty.
Designers Choice: Custom Made Gift Guide
2020 Fleece Gift ideas Hemp Hemp Fabric Hemp Fleece Organic Cotton Organic Fashion Vegan What to Wear Winter

If anyone has a good handle on which custom-made clothing items make the best gifts, it's the designer and creator herself! I had a lot of fun talking with Yana to figure out what she wanted to put on this list. She's got good taste. Keep reading for Yana Dee's top 5 custom made gifts for the 2020 Winter Holiday Season.
1. Fortune Robe
Here are 5 reasons why the Fortune Robe is at the very top of Yana's personal recommendation list:
- Inclusivity. This robe is for bodies of every size, age, shape, gender, and ability. Everyone deserves to be cozy and warm in soft fabric...
Love your Skin with 100% Natural Clothing
Activism Capsule Wardrobe Earth Day Environment Ethical Fabric Fall Fashion Advise Fashion Industry Fashion Revolution Fashion Rules Fleece Gift ideas Hemp Hemp Fabric Hemp Fleece Minimalism Organic Cotton Organic Fashion Silk slow fashion Spring Vegan Wardrobe Management Website What to Wear Winter

I’ve been asked by enough people now "does this has bamboo in it” and "can this be made without spandex.” I’m finally writing the ultimate shopping guide for finding the most natural Yana Dee clothing. Not only is this best for your skin, is also good for the planet!
If you are already convinced, click here to skip the reading and start shopping "The Most Pure & Natural Yana Dee" collection.
What you put on your skin can change how it looks and feels. Since you probably put more clothes on your skin than any other product, picking out the right clothes to wear is key to keeping skin healthy- or bringing it back when an issue arises. Tough love isn’t a good strategy on eczema, acne, or rashes. Practice soft love with all-natural, non-irritating clothes instead.