Yana Dee Blog — Earth Day
Organic Cotton Polka Dots! From Seed to Store.
Earth Day Environment Ethical Fabric Fashion Advise Fashion Industry Fashion Revolution Organic Cotton Organic Fashion slow fashion Spring Store Updates Summer Traverse City Website What to Wear Yana Dee Team

Love your Skin with 100% Natural Clothing
Activism Capsule Wardrobe Earth Day Environment Ethical Fabric Fall Fashion Advise Fashion Industry Fashion Revolution Fashion Rules Fleece Gift ideas Hemp Hemp Fabric Hemp Fleece Minimalism Organic Cotton Organic Fashion Silk slow fashion Spring Vegan Wardrobe Management Website What to Wear Winter

I’ve been asked by enough people now "does this has bamboo in it” and "can this be made without spandex.” I’m finally writing the ultimate shopping guide for finding the most natural Yana Dee clothing. Not only is this best for your skin, is also good for the planet!
If you are already convinced, click here to skip the reading and start shopping "The Most Pure & Natural Yana Dee" collection.
What you put on your skin can change how it looks and feels. Since you probably put more clothes on your skin than any other product, picking out the right clothes to wear is key to keeping skin healthy- or bringing it back when an issue arises. Tough love isn’t a good strategy on eczema, acne, or rashes. Practice soft love with all-natural, non-irritating clothes instead.
Top 10 Ways to Have an Environmentalist Wardrobe
Capsule Wardrobe Earth Day Environment Ethical Fashion Advise Fashion Industry Fashion Revolution Fashion Rules Minimalism Organic Fashion slow fashion Wardrobe Management What to Wear

Once you have learned about the damage the fashion industry is having on the planet, you may be inspired to change your shopping habits.Here is a list of 10 important things to do if you want to have an environmentalist wardrobe.
1. Wear the clothes you have
When you learn how damaging the fast fashion industry is, you may be tempted to...
2. Care for what you wear
By caring for what you have, you can extend the life...
3. Invest in ethically made products
Clothes, jewelry, bags, shoes, and any other accessory will last longer if you invest in a single well constructed piece...
4. Think about water when you wash your clothes
Minimize the environmental impact when you wash and dry clothing...