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Yana Dee is now hiring studio people
We are now accepting applications for sewers to join our seam team in Traverse City Michigan! This position requires some previous sewing experience. While home machine and hobby sewing skills will be considered, professional apparel production experience, training, or education is preferred. The ideal candidate will already be comfortable threading and using industrial sewing machines.
In the studio, your most important job will be to assemble small batches of clothing that has been designed and cut by Yana. You will work on a variety of industrial machines alongside the designer and the rest of her team, as you witness and maybe even weigh in on the design process. This is a unique opportunity to dive deep into professional sustainable fashion design and production. This position is an ideal opportunity for students of sustainable fashion, product design, or textiles. This could be a long term position with growth potential, or a short term internship.
How to apply
Step 1: Complete and submit the application below. (If the form isn't displaying properly for you, click this link to open the application in a new window).
Step 2: Submit a one page presentation for our hiring team to review. You may include information usually found on a cover letter, resume, or letter of interest, as well as pictures. Your presentation can be physical or digital (.pdf only) You can email, mail, or deliver it in person (see addresses below).
Abby Rose
Yana Dee Store Manager
157 E Front Street
Traverse City MI 49684