Yana Dee in Miami

Abby Rose Ethical Fabric Fashion Advise Fashion Industry Fashion Revolution Hemp Hemp Fabric Organic Cotton Organic Fashion Silk slow fashion Spring Upcycled Wardrobe Management What to Wear

2020 Miami Florida Travel Blog by Abby Rose

I started off 2020 with a long weekend in Miami with my sister Yana. Yana is, of course, the owner of Yana Dee Inc. As the business manager, I work side by side with Yana all year round, to keep organic clothes rolling out of our studio and into your closet.

I thought it would be fun to share some highlights and insights we gleaned from our family business trip together. So without further ado, here is a list of things!

1. We want you to be comfortable.

When we discuss our company vision and mission, customer comfort is always at the forefront of why we do what we do. Wearing clothes that fit, and are soft, and cover the parts of your body that you want covered, is absolutely essential to being comfortable in your body. When your body is comfortable, it frees up your attention for more important things. Like raising a family, running a business, overthrowing the patriarchy, and relaxing. 

Hemp & Organic Cotton Summer Dress
On a hot day, Yana Dee is comfortable in a Fog Ticking Hemp & Organic Cotton Peasant Tier Dress.

Hemp & Organic Cotton Summer Outfit Looks like Denim but is Lighter
On a hot day, Abby Rose is comfortable in a  Dark Blue Chambray Hemp & Organic Cotton Peasant Skirt & Crop Top.

2. Good food is hard to come by.

Do yourself a favor and pack a snack! We had fun treats out and about, but overall found most of our truly nourishing meals were a bit of a DIY affair. Quality, affordable food ingredients and preparation is nothing to take for granted. I'm feeling very grateful for Traverse City's Food Coop and year-round Farmers Markets. Organic, local produce is easier to find in Traverse City than just about anywhere. 
We stumbled upon Mamma Leone Bakery and loved it! 
Avocado Toast & Mocktails Yana Dee Special Lunch
DIY Afternoon Snack: From scratch guacamole, fresh bread, and a specialty Yana Dee Mocktail. Yum!

3. You can do anything in a dress!

Well, you can at least try to do anything in a dress. Yana was wearing this Rainbow Dress when she didn't win a hang challenge. 

Rainbow Dress at a Mural
We found a hang challenge while wandering near Wynwood Walls. 

4. Having prerequisites makes shopping fun.

Consumer overwhelm is a real thing. Sometimes, I feel anxiety from how many options I have as a consumer. When I decide what I am shopping for and what product standards I am committed to before I go shopping, I have more fun browsing; even if I don't find what I am looking for! 

Silks in Miami
We had fun oohing and ahhing over these beautiful silks for a little while, but decided they didn't have a place in our visions for future Yana Dee catalogs. 

Many stone beads don't make the cut for Yana Dee, because they are dyed. The natural color of stones is part of their power

5. Inspiration is All Around

Different environments have so much to offer our creativity. It was inspiring to take in all the colors, textures, styles, tastes, smells, sounds, and patterns Miami has to offer. It is so different than our home in Traverse City, especially in January. Having a few days in a bright, vibrant, and warm place got us thinking more about the next fashion season... Summer 2020! I'm as excited as you are to see what Yana comes up with this year.

I'm not the only one who thinks YOU are beautiful! This whole wall agrees.

We found these beautiful wrap dresses for sale alongside vegan ice cream. They look pretty good, but that is about as high as one can raise ones arms wearing this garment. Fun for a photo, not for a wardrobe.

Heading to Florida together was a much needed break from our daily routine. We were able to set aside time to hone in our our mission and vision for the company, soak up some sun, and be inspired by the fashion and trends of a very different environment.

If travel is on your horizion, contact me to chat about the one or two clothing items you can take for ultimate comfort and style on your trip. 

Okay bye!

Abby Rose
Store Manager
Yana Dee Ethical Apparel

P.S. Here is our contact us page if you want to get a hold of me to talk about what you want to wear.

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